- Hut bis ca. 3 cm
- Hutfarbe dunkelbraun bis dunkel rotbraun
- Hutoberfläche fibrillos bis fast wollig
- reichliche weißliche Velipellis
- Stiel oben bereift
- Sporen glatt, 7.7-11.3 x 4.5-6.4 µm, av. 9.1 x 5.4 µm
- Hymenialzystiden meist eng (sub)fusiform, Pleurozystiden 58-86 x 9-18 µm, av. 68 x 12 µm
- sehr lange Caulozystiden
- Standort mediterranes Habitat auf sandigem Boden mit Quercus
Short description:
- Pileus up to 3 cm
- Pileus colour dark brown to dark red-brown
- Pileus surface fibrillose to (sub)lanose
- abundant whitish velipellis
- Stipe pruinose only near the apex
- Spores smooth, 7.7-11.3 x 4.5-6.4 µm, av. 9.1 x 5.4 µm
- Hymenial cystidia mostly narror (sub)fusiform, pleuro cystidia 7.7-11.3 x 4.5-6.4 µm, av. 9.1 x 5.4 µm
- very long caulocystidia
- Mediterranean habitat on sandy soil with Quercus