- Hut bis 2.5 cm
- Hutfarbe graulich-bräunlich
- Hutoberfläche mehr oder weniger zottig-wollig, später auch filzig
- beige-grauliche Velipellis
- Stiel oben bereift
- Sporen glatt, 7.1-10.1 x 4.3-5.7 µm, av. 8.6 x 5.0 µm
- Hymenialzystiden meist (sub)utriform, Pleurozystiden 42-74 x 11-15 µm, av. 62 x 13 µm, Wände bis 2.0 (3.5) µm, schwache Reaktion mit KOH
Short description:
- Pileus up to 2.5 µm
- Pileus colour greyish-brownish
- Pileus surface more or less villose-lanose, with age also tomentose
- Stipe pruinose near the apex
- Spores,smooth, 7.1-10.1 x 4.3-5.7 µm, av. 8.6 x 5.0 µm
- Hymenial cystidia mostly (sub)utriform, pleurocystidia 42-74 x 11-14 µm, av. 62 x 13 µm, walls up to 2.0 (3.5) µm, weak reaction with KOH
- Growth with Fagaceae, in Mediterranean habitat